RSS feeds are often used in nontraditional ways. Web browsers have various ways of displaying RSS feeds, separate RSS software exists to read them, and even email clients are starting to display the output of the RSS.
With all this, though, one thing is often overlooked: simply reading in the RSS feed from another website and displaying it on your own website. The followong code creates a basic function that reads in a remote RSS feed, specified by a URL, and generates an HTML definition list from it, making the title a link and including the description. It also includes the title of the feed as a paragraph first.
If you want to use this in a live web page, you can wrap it inside a <div> tag to control/apply additional formatting.
<?php // Create a function that will turn an RSS feed, into a definition list: function rss_dl($url) { // Begin by loading the RSS feed into SimpleXML: $rss = simplexml_load_file($url); // Ok, output the title of the feed just as a paragraph block. People // can use stylesheets later to make it look as they wish: echo <<<EOSNIPPET <p> <a href="{$rss->channel->link}">{$rss->channel->title}</a> </p> EOSNIPPET; // Now begin our definition list: echo "<dl>\n"; // Loop through all items to make definition entries from them foreach ($rss->channel->item as $i) { // The title with link: echo "<dt><a href=\"{$i->link}\">{$i->title}</a></dt>\n"; // The description as the dd echo "<dd>{$i->description}</dd>\n"; } // End our list now, we are done echo "</dl>\n"; } // Test this out: rss_dl(''); // And try it again: echo "<br /><br /><br />\n"; rss_dl(''); ?>
Hope it helps.
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